CONGRATULATIONS to the Uniondale Girls Track Team for WINNING the National Championship 1600 Sprint Medley in Greensboro, North Carolina. Pictured from left to right - Coach Leigh Pollet, Olivia Talley, London White (8th grader), Chika Akazi, Kimora McKay. The Girls also took 3rd Place in the National Championship Shuttle Hurdle Relay ---- Kudos to Chika Akazi, Anne Jean Louis, Qiana Thomas, Keishara Tulloch. IT'S KNIGHT TIME!!!!
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Girls Track
Notice of Action Meeting of the Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District. The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District has scheduled an action meeting for Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:00 PM at Uniondale High School auditorium located at 933 Goodrich Street, Uniondale, New York. Please see the following link for more details.
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
MBK SUMMER READING ADVENTURE I READ, YOU READ, WE READ Earn Rewards. Students with 15 logs for July will be invited to the Mid Summer Celebration.
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
MBK Summer Reading Adventure
Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom Saturday, June 15 Uniondale High School 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Juneteenth Celebration
Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District. The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, for the purpose of a personnel matter. The special meeting will begin at 5:00 PM in the Board Room at Uniondale High School, 933 Goodrich Street, Uniondale, NY.
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Uniondale Summer Arts Academy July 8, 2024 to August 8, 2024.
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Uniondale Summer Arts Academy
Notice of Work Session Meeting of the Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District. The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District has scheduled a work session meeting for Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Uniondale High School in the Little Theater. Please see the link below.
9 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Uniondale School District presents a celebration of unity, progress and community. Saturday, June 15, 2024 12pm to 3pm Uniondale High School 933 Goodrich Street Uniondale, NY 11553 Vendors, Food Trucks, Entertainment, and Activities Hosted By: Uniondale School District Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs) For more information, please contact Yasodra Ramrookum (516-972-5594), Jina McKnight (516-680-3640), or Hope James (516-410-9458).
10 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Juneteenth Celebration
Juneteenth Celebration Spanish
Juneteenth Celebration Haitian
The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District has scheduled an action meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. The action meeting will begin at 8:30 PM at Uniondale High School in the Little Theater, 933 Goodrich Street, Uniondale, New York. Please see the link below.
10 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
🌸Spring Brings Renewed Hope and Resilience🌸 Don't miss this month's Superintendent's Brief English - Spanish - Haitian - Creole
10 months ago, UUFSD
Spring Brings Renewed Hope and Resilience
Want to see a professional orchestra for free? Orchestra Long Island Residency Concert at Mary E. Powell Auditorium featuring Maestro David S. Wiley, UHS Symphonic Orchestra, student soloists, and all-district choirs. “Inspired by Nature” M A Y 20, 2024 7 :00P M
10 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
10 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Mark your calendars for an exciting day of exploration and discovery at the Annual Science STEAM Fair on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at Uniondale High School. Engage in various hands-on STEAM activities from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Take advantage of this fun-packed day for the entire family. Save the date!
10 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
STEAM Fair Poster 2024
Multilingual Education Department - HAITIAN CELEBRATION Music, Art, Dancing, Live Performances, Spoken Word, Literature, Awards, Food MAY 18, 2024 • 12:00- 3:00 pm For more information:
10 months ago, UUFSD
Multilingual Education Department  HAITIAN CELEBRATION  Music Art Dancing Live Performances Spoken Word Literature Awards Food  For additional information contact Dr. Estrella Olivares-Orellana 516-918-2366 MAY 18, 2024 • 12:00- 3:00 pm CORNELIUS COURT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
Parents as Partners in Progress Workshop. 9:00 AM - 12:00PM SAT., MAY. 11, 2024 UHS LIBRARY. Please see the flyer for more details.
10 months ago, UUFSD WebMaster
Parents as partners flyer English
Parents as partners flyer English Spanish
Parents as partners flyer Haitian
PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR PTA Curriculum Council Meeting Monday, May 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM Uniondale High School Little Theater See the flyer for more information.
10 months ago, UUFSD
Make Your Voice Heard – Register to Vote! Don't miss your chance to participate in the upcoming Uniondale School District Budget Vote & Board of Education Trustee Election on May 21, from 6 AM to 9 PM. Ensure you're ready to vote by registering at any of the following locations and times: Elementary Schools: May 2 and May 8, from 9 AM to 7 PM District Clerk's Office: Weekdays, from 8 AM to 4 PM
11 months ago, UUFSD
Register to Vote! Join us on May 2 or 8, 9 AM-7 PM at any elementary school or weekdays at the District Clerk's Office, 8 AM-4 PM. Vote in the Uniondale School District election on May 21, 6 AM-9 PM.
Important Update for Uniondale School District: In addition to the scheduled closure on May 27th for Memorial Day, district schools will also close on May 24th due to unused snow days. Spring break is from April 22-29. All students should return on Tuesday, April 30. Enjoy your breaks!
11 months ago, UUFSD
She rocks! This Women's History Month, we celebrate our amazing female leaders & empower girls in STEM! Free camps, coding, & a national policy summit. #GirlPower #FutureLeaders Don't miss this month's Superintendent's Brief
12 months ago, UUFSD
Celebrating Women ’ s History Month and International Women’s Day
Uniondale Council of Parent-Teacher Association Please join us for our PTA COUNCIL ROUNDTABLE Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 7 pm in the U.H.S. Small Gym Let's talk about it! Join us to ask questions and voice concerns about our School District! Reach out to your school's PTA if you have any questions. Light refreshments will be served. Guest will include: Superintendents of Schools/Directors/Coordinators/Principals/Assistant Principals/Deans/Staff Members
about 1 year ago, UUFSD
Uniondale Council of Parent-Teacher Association Please join us for our PTA COUNCIL ROUNDTABLE Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 7 pm in the U.H.S. Small Gym Let's talk about it! Join us to ask questions and voice concerns about our School District! Reach out to your school's PTA if you have any questions. Light refreshments will be served. Guest will include: Superintendents of Schools/Directors/Coordinators/Principals/Assistant Principals/ Deans/Staff Members
Únase a nosotros para nuestro MESA REDONDA DEL CONSEJO DE LA PTA Miércoles 20/03 19:00 U.H.S. Pequeño Gimnasio ¡Hablemos de eso! ¡Únase a nosotros para hacer preguntas y expresar inquietudes sobre nuestro Distrito Escolar! Comuníquese con la PTA de su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta. Se servirán refrigerios ligeros. El invitado incluirá: Superintendentes de escuelas/ Directores/Coordinadores/Directores/ Subdirectores/Decanos/Miembros del personal
TABLE RONDE DU CONSEIL DE LA PTA mercredi 20/03 19h00 U.H.S. Petite salle de sport Parlons-en! Joignez-vous à nous pour poser des questions et exprimer vos préoccupations concernant notre district scolaire ! Veuillez contacter votre école PTA si vous avez des questions. Des rafraîchissements légers seront servis. L'invité comprendra : Surintendants d'école/ Directeurs/Coordonnateurs/Directeurs/ Directeurs adjoints/doyens/membres du personnel