Notice of Work Session Meeting of the Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District. The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District has scheduled a Work Session Meeting for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Uniondale High School in the Little Theater. Please see the link below for more details. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HdCD97DdAEO4t9iIlGfd-0g7GeYwF4T1OGi_i4a4KmM/pub

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Get ready to SCORE BIG with Books! We're thrilled to invite you and your child to the MBK Summer Reading Adventure Celebration, honoring all our amazing readers who conquered the summer challenge!
Mark your calendars!
Date: September 13, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Uniondale High School Stadium
Join the Fun!
This night is all about celebrating your child's reading achievements! Expect a night filled with:
Delicious food
Exciting games
Awesome prizes
Dress Code: Game On!
Encourage your child to wear their favorite sports jersey to add a touch of team spirit to the celebration!
Want More Details?
Visit this link for additional information on the celebration: https://5il.co/2uvh8
We can't wait to celebrate with you!

CEP is online now!
You can now submit your school lunch form online by clicking on the link below. Deadline is September 23rd. Please contact the school lunch office if you have any questions or need assistance. https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application

Families, protect your child's school-issued device this year with SmartTech insurance! For just $39, enjoy unlimited coverage for the ENTIRE year, protecting against accidents, theft, broken screens, & more. Enroll now at www.smarttechins.com/uniondale or call (877) 307-6777 to sign up! More Info: https://5il.co/2ul94

Uniondale School District presents the 2nd Annual School Supply Drive on Sat, Aug 24! Stops: 9:30 am Dean Dr/Shell St, 10:00 am Northern Pkwy/Cottage St, 10:30 am Cedar St/Clarendon Rd, 11:00 am Lawrence St/Warren Ave. Supplies for Uniondale students only, first come, first served. Arrive early! Visit https://5il.co/2u6bs

🎉 Join us for a Jamboree! Rising Pre-K and K families are invited for games, crafts, music, and more! Meet our staff and make new friends. 📅 August 26, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM at 1060 Cornelius Ct, Uniondale. More info: (516) 918-1063 or https://5il.co/2t5tk Don't miss it! 😊 #FamilyFunDay #EarlyChildhood

Uniondale School District presents the 2nd Annual School Supply Drive on Sat, Aug 24! Stops: 9:30am Dean Dr/Shell St, 10:00am Northern Pkwy/Cottage St, 10:30am Cedar St/Clarendon Rd, 11:00am Lawrence St/Warren Ave. Supplies for Uniondale students only, first come, first served. Arrive early! Visit https://5il.co/2u6bs

15th Annual Youth Forum & Back-to-School Giveaway
Date: Sunday, August 18, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: St Martha RC Church - Bethany Hall, 546 Greengrove Ave, Uniondale, NY 11553
Join us for an inspiring event featuring guest speaker Hon. Michaelle Solages, NYS Assembly Member. This community forum, organized by SHALI & FHHH, will support the Haitian community and provide back-to-school supplies for students.
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0HX2UzAN7DeLEPvwhhc_bOKe8bWCQHjxIfxWgRhLaqbxUiA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
More Info: (516) 325-5052 / (516) 805-1961

Notice of District Safety Plan Hearing and Action Meeting of the Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District. The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District has scheduled a District Safety Plan hearing and an action meeting for Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM Walnut Street Elementary School 1270 Walnut Street Uniondale, NY 11553. Please click the following link for more details.

🎉 Join us for a Jamboree! Rising Pre-K and K families are invited for games, crafts, music, and more! Meet our staff and make new friends. 📅 August 26, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM at 1060 Cornelius Ct, Uniondale. More info: (516) 918-1063 or https://5il.co/2t5tk Don't miss it! 😊 #FamilyFunDay #EarlyChildhood

📝 Open registration for the 2024-2025 school year has begun! Join our FREE full-day Pre-K and Dual Language Kindergarten programs. Certified teachers, free meals, transportation, and smart tech in classrooms! More info: (516) 560-8813 or https://5il.co/2t5tj🌟

Uniondale Summer Arts Concert. Inside Out A S.E.L.ebration of Emotions Through the Arts. Wednesday August 7, 2024 9:00 a.m. Uniondale High School Auditorium

Join us for NIGHT OUT 2024! 🎉 Meet local police & community leaders on 8/6, 5-8:30PM at Cornelius Ct. Elementary, Uniondale. Enjoy music, fun activities, giveaways, vendors, and refreshments! Let's promote safety and unity together. More info: https://5il.co/2sv1k #CommunityUnity

The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District is scheduled to meet on MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024, at 6:00PM at Walnut Street Elementary School, Uniondale, NY. At that time, they will determine whether to go into Executive Session. If there is a need for an Executive Session, it is anticipated that the Board will reconvene in an open session at 7:00PM in the General Purpose Room at Walnut Street School. Please see the link below for more details.

All MBK Summer Reading Adventure participants are invited to our Midsummer Celebration on Wednesday, July 31, at the Long Island Children’s Museum from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. To be included on the guest list for this special celebration, students must place their log entries on their school Padlets by Monday, July 29, 2024, at 7:00 pm.

Welcome Incoming 9th Grade UHS Knights!
Join us Wednesday August 21st - Friday August 23rd. 8:30 am -1:00 pm for social & team-building activities. You don't want to miss out! Scan the QR Code below or use the link to register!

Dear Families,
We are excited to continue the MBK Summer Reading Adventure, a communitywide initiative fostering the joy of reading among our children. For more details about the program and upcoming events, please visit this link https://5il.co/2q7d1. Let's celebrate reading together and make this summer memorable!

Notice of Annual Reorganization and Action Meetings of the Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District
The Board of Education of the Uniondale Union Free School District has scheduled the annual reorganization and an action meeting for Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 6:00 PM at Walnut Street Elementary School 1270 Walnut Street Uniondale, NY 11553.
Please see the following link for more details.

As we wrap up the school year, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our Uniondale community for your unwavering support. Please take a moment to read my Superintendent's brief https://5il.co/2puwb Spanish https://5il.co/2puwc Haitian Creole https://5il.co/2puwd. Have a wonderful summer! Dr. Akil

UHS Summer Bridge Program
Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLgnppKXS5jh_0-AwqCuaVKM4UyzjwnMfIO5p0K5a6IKF8Pw/viewform