Health Office

Nurse Farias

To report an absence, please call (516) 918-2249

Keeping Your Child Home

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Here are a few suggestions to help you determine if your child should come to school or stay home.

  • Fever last night - Keep them home at least 24 hours fever free without Tylenol or Motrin before returning to school.

  • Threw up last night or this morning but feels okay. Keep them home for at least 24 hours without throwing up.

  • Diarrhea this morning or last night. Keep them home for 24 hours without diarrhea before returning to school.

  • Persistent cough that could be disturbing to the rest of the class, runny green colored discharge from nose, discharge from eyes. Keep them home.

  • If your primary care provider puts them on antibiotics, keep them home for 24 hours after starting medication.

  • Do not bring your child in for half of the day saying he feels better after being ill all morning.

  • Remember, if your child is well enough to come to school, he/she should be well enough to participate in all school activities. This includes physical education as well as going outside for recess.

Many children insist on coming to school even though as parents we know they shouldn't. It is unfair to the children and school staff as well as your child to allow them. If your child is going to be absent call the school and notify them.


Your School Nurse

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